eX-Driver The Movie Soundtrack 52682

    Price: ₴255,47
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    * All items are in excellent collectors condition unless specified in the condition notes or description.

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    Fasten your seat belt and take a musical cruising joyride that leads to the futuristic, high-speedway adventure with "eX-Driver the Movie Original Soundtrack." This soundtrack contains 21 car chasing/ drivers racing tracks from composer Hikaru Nanase (Zone of Enders), along with vocal song tracks from the movie, including "Let Me Go!" and the theme song, "Crucial Spirits." 1. OVERTURE 2. crucial spirits (eX-Driver the Movie THEME SONG) 3. In the morning 4. LET ME GO! (eX-Driver the Movie SECONDARY THEME SONG) 5. Brilliant Days 6. A Suspicious AI Car 7. Invasion 8. True Vice 9. Angela's Recollection 10. Escape velocity 11. A Furious Escape 12. Calmness 13. Angela's Agony 14. Conspiracy and Stratagem 15. AI's Theme 16. Angela Recovers 17. eX-Driver Gathering 18. A Showdown! AI Chariot 19. A Rescue Plan of X-D 20. Souichi and Lisa 21. TARGET (eX-Driver Nina & Rei Danger Zone THEME SONG)