Something dark is coming...Throughout history, oddities have remained hidden away within the fabric of societies across the planet. However, in recent years these unexplained phenomena have begun to emerge with a vengeance...Enter Gia Sorentino. Together, with three other women who possess abilities of inhuman nature, Sorentino embarks on a journey to discover the full potential of their collective powers. But, along with the amazing comes the sinister, and some things that should have remained hidden -- including those that can threaten not only their existence, but the rest of the world as well! "(Scott Lobdell) brought together female characters or radically different cultural backgrounds and melts the pot in front of the readers eyes." - "The Four Points is a whole different animal." - From Aspen Comics and acclaimed writer Scott Lobdell (Fathom, The Scourge, Red Hood/Arsenal), featuring art by Jordan Gunderson (Executive Assistant: Assassins, Fathom), John Ercek (Executive Assistant: Assassins), and colors by Valentina Pinto (Damsels in Excess), The Four Points vol. 1: Horsemen features the complete five issue mini-series, cover gallery, series concept art, and a whole lot more!